Tips for Usage of Latex Table, Figure and Algorithm

  • Author: Qing-Yuan Jiang

1. Tables

  • Links: Table [1], [2], [3], [4]

1.1. Specify Table Cell Width


\usepackage[paperheight=2cm,paperwidth=12cm,left=0cm, right=0cm, top=0cm, bottom=0cm]{geometry}


\caption{Example 1: specifying cell width.}
A & B & Country & Destination\\\hline
A & B & Country & Destination\\
  • Illustration:

1.2. Fill Color in Table Cell


\usepackage[paperheight=1.5cm,paperwidth=12cm,left=0cm, right=0cm, top=0cm, bottom=0cm]{geometry}

\caption{Example 2: filling color in table cell.}
  Some & \cellcolor{blue!25}coloured & contents \\
  • Illustration:

1.3. Insert Image into Table Cell


\usepackage[paperheight=3.5cm,paperwidth=8cm,left=0cm, right=0cm, top=0cm, bottom=0cm]{geometry}


\caption{Example 3: Insert image into table.}
Number &   Image \\ 
A   &   \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth,margin=1ex 1ex 1ex 1ex,valign=m]{example-image}  \\
  • Illustration:

1.4. Insert Image into Table Cell


\usepackage[paperheight=5cm,paperwidth=8cm,left=0cm, right=0cm, top=0cm, bottom=0cm]{geometry}



\caption{Example 4: Insert list into table cell.}
A & List:
\item B.1
\item B.2
\end{itemize}\\ \hline

  • Illustration:

2. Figures

  • Links: Figure [1], [2].

2.1. Two Figures Side by Side.

\usepackage[paperheight=6cm,paperwidth=12cm,left=0cm, right=0cm, top=0cm, bottom=0cm]{geometry}


\end{minipage} \hspace{5pt}
  • Illustration:

2.2. Figures and Tables Side by Side.

\usepackage[paperheight=4cm,paperwidth=12cm,left=0cm, right=0cm, top=0cm, bottom=0cm]{geometry}


\captionof{table}{Example 2: Table}
Item1 & Item2 & Item3 & Item4 \\
C & 1  & 1  & 1  \\
B & 2  & 2  & 2  \\
C & 3  & 3  & 3  \\
\captionof{figure}{Example 3: Figure}
  • Illustration:

3. Algorithm

  • Links: Algorithm [1].

3.1. Algorithm with Comments

\usepackage[paperheight=7cm,paperwidth=7cm,left=0cm, right=0cm, top=0cm, bottom=0cm]{geometry}


\Input{~Training set $X$, labels $L$.}
\Output{~The parameters $\theta$.}
\textbf{INIT} initialize variables.\;
\For{$t=1\rightarrow \text{Epochs}$}{
    \tcc{one epoch.}
    \For{$i=1\rightarrow m$}{
        Sample a batch.\;
        Calculate Loss.\;
    \tcc{update learning rate.}
    Updating learning rate.\;
\caption{Algorithm Example 1}
  • Illustration: